Monday, December 12, 2011

Poppa's Christmas Pickle

Poppa's Christmas Pickle & The History Of The Christmas Pickle

Poppa's Christmas Pickle - Our Tree Christmas 2011
We bought our Christmas Pickle in 1992, and before that I had never heard of a Christmas Pickle.  Each year after that we would hang the Christmas Pickle on the Tree on Christmas Eve, and the first person to find it on Christmas Morning got a surprise.  Our Family Story about the Christmas Pickle is nothing like the Traditional Christmas Pickle Story.  Yes, as I earlier stated we did hang it on the tree Christmas Eve and hide it for the sake of celebrating the Traditional History, but not until after it had most likely been one of the first ornaments we put on the tree.   Our pickle was originally bought at the day after Christmas 75% off Christmas Ornament sale at Macy's as a joke at my Poppa's (my dad) expense - which he did not really find all that funny.  You see every once in a while sometimes most every afternoon Poppa liked to have a 'lil nip of Canadian Mist (ewwww), and my mother always referred to it as his "Pickle Juice".  You might be asking why she would call it "Pickle Juice", and if so, here is the answer - Mom always said, "he's pickling his brain with that stuff" and so when he was having a 'lil nip in the afternoon we would call it "Pickle Juice".  And we would say Poppa's gotten into the "Pickle Juice" already.  So every year thereafter we hung the pickle on the tree and would have a great time joking about it the entire month of December - it has given us many Christmas Giggles & Cheer.  Maybe that seems a bit mean, but I promise it was all in good fun.  Although Poppa is not with us any longer - his "Christmas Pickle" is, and that makes our "Christmas Pickle" that much more special.  

Now that you have heard "Poppa's Christmas Pickle Story", I will share the Traditional Christmas Pickle Story:

To start a tradition that surely will last, 
here's a short story about the pickle of glass.
The night before Christmas it's hung on the tree,
while everyone is sleeping it's done secretly.
And on Christmas Morning when you arise,
The first one to find it will get a surprise.
A family tradition for all to share,
You will look for the pickle year after year.

Now Everybody Go And Get Your Christmas Pickle & Hang It On Your Tree.
And Pick Your Tradition, Whichever It May Be....

Poppa's Christmas Pickle

Cindy Lou...


  1. Lovin' all of this!

  2. That is very cute. Your Dad would be so proud of you. Keep up the good work.

  3. LOL! Poppa's Christmas Pickle, I was ascared... to read it! ... LMAO! .. (:
