Monday, December 19, 2011

Just Stuff It Into The Freezer

So during my Christmas Holiday break from Nursing School I decided to cook - A Lot.  I didn't only cook for our everyday meals, but I cooked meals for the upcoming months when I will be rigorously studying, and won't be cooking.  What I did was I went to dollar tree, bought up a bunch of aluminum pans of all sizes, to put my extra casseroles in.
This is how I did it:  I spent the last 3 weeks (and I am not finished) cooking our favorite casseroles for dinner, and I doubled and tripled the ingredients, and put the extras into the aluminum pans and then I "Just Stuff It Into The Freezer".  Viola!  I now do not have to worry about what we are going to eat when I am studying so hard I don't have time to put a meal together.
So this past week (after I ingeniously came up with the idea in my little brain) I was accepted to the Elite Group of Pinterest and found that somebody else was that smart too, and they posted a picture (see below).  I plan to post one of my freezer when I am done, it is not quite this impressive as of yet.
But one 'lil secret that I left out about mine is that for every different casserole I make up until Christmas, I am also  making a 4 serving one for part of a special friends Christmas Gift - Shhhhhhhhhh.  I did say I was in Nursing School - which means I am making a bunch of my Christmas gifts this year because I am cheap  to be Thrifty.  Which I happen to think is a great gift idea.

So if you have a busy life, think about this idea.  It makes me feel so good when I open that big freezer and see all those dee-lish-us ready to go meals!

Happy Cooking,
Cindy Lou...

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